We look for people with
low ego and high energy!

Join us. Be your best you.

We look for people with low ego, high energy, curious mind, open heart and a laser focus on what’s best for the customer. If that sound sounds like you, let’s talk.

About Hashdex

Hashdex is a global pioneer in crypto asset management. We are building pathways to prosperity by opening the crypto ecosystem to the world.

Trusted by over 250,000 clients, our simple and secure funds invite innovative investors to join the emerging crypto economy. Dedicated to bringing crypto opportunities to the mainstream, we co-created the Nasdaq Crypto Index (NCI) to provide global investors a reliable benchmark for this dynamic asset class. We introduced the world’s first crypto index ETFs, enabling many investors to allocate to crypto for the first time.

We believe open blockchains are unlocking global growth and making economic opportunity more abundant and accessible. We are committed to accelerating the development of the crypto ecosystem by empowering everyone to participate in this transformational opportunity for the world.

Join us.
Make an impact.

We are a thriving global team of engineers, coders, researchers, designers, writers, crypto and financial market experts, customer service and business professionals, deeply committed to bringing crypto opportunities to the mainstream.


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Vagas de emprego em Vendas, Sales, Sales Development Representative, SDR.